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Thriving for NL1000 by the End of 2007

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Reaaaaal soon....

I've been on a break for quite a while now, goin' through the flaws in my game, improving. I've found a lot of leaks I wish to get rid of once I start playing again. That should be this weekend, saturday or sunday, not yet certain. Either way, I will start with some NL25 and move my way up. My work for this year will be over and it'll be just school. But there's one month interval when I only have one course! Woo! That means I'm planning on powergrinding my way up to NL100. I feel I've improved so much - I've had the feeling before and often, although true, I have managed to develop new flaws. This time, I know what to look for if I start doing worse.

A few things I've found in my game so far:

Went to Showdown/Won @ Showdown
My Went to Showdown is too big by a few percents. Correspondantly my Won @ Showdown is a bit lower than it's ought to be. While this doesn't mean I can't win (Having less than 50% in the latter), it means that I have something to work on. The hand ranges I've been slightly overplaying include pairs with one overcard on board and marginal top pairs on some occasions.

Value-betting gone bad
After reading Sklansky's book, I've noticed that my overall betting, especially on the river, has become bigger. While big betting has merits, I think I have overdone it, often overbetting the river for value. I've too often disregarded the fact that my opponent still needs to have pretty good hand to make the call there. In some occasions it can be good (like if pot is quite small so the overbet won't be too big either) or if my opponent has good second best hand. But I think I've lost a lot of value on weaker top pair hands.

Tune up aggression on later streets a bit
My flop aggression is pretty good at the moment, but turn and river aggression, especially with value needs to be slightly tuned up.

Preflop raising
My preflop raising range has decreased slightly from my golden ages and it could be tuned up a bit. I'd assume this is mostly in the situation when I'm in late pos and there are limpers since I've been limping behind more than I should. Even though this might not be a major leak, I might be missing value.

A friend of mine recommended me to try to BLdSWtTRs type style, which essentially means something like 22/20, which is raise/fold preflop in practice. I might give it a shot at some point, but my priority is to build up during these times of peace and no pressure. School will start again at some point and then I will have other stuff to stress about too.

There are also a lot of smaller details I've learned, but I won't go into that, mostly about playing certain types of hands in certain situations. Anyway, this month will end mildly negative unless my Sat-Sun sessions manage to do it back (in fact they should get me to at least breakeven). I'm now back at Stars again, I managed to scratch up ma boom boom dolar and deposit for bonus there. I dunno when I'll return to claim the rest ($90+RB) from Poker Heaven, but to be honest, the site just sucked hardcore. I might redeposit some time and go play full ring $1/$2 fixed to get the rake generated quickly (The full ring tables had something like 35% to see the flop on the avg so those are quite juicy for full ring games as opposed to what they used to be on Stars on that level - it was a nitville.)

As far as my trying out NL full ring goes, I'm not goin' back there! It sucks. The only reason I might do it would be to rathole myself into riches and that wouldn't be too nice now would it. That's about it for now.



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