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Thriving for NL1000 by the End of 2007

Monday, June 12, 2006

Nice session

After going to the lives and steaming away a pile of money - partly because of ridiculous hands and partly because of bad play, I felt I could have a solid session of online poker. I felt good playing from the beginning, very concentrated and results yielded. One table kept sinking, but the other two went up a lot faster. Obviously I hit some cards as well since after about 400 hands, I was up over 2 buy-ins at NL50. 2 more to go before I break $1000 again and then 20 more to start NL100. I'm very confident that if I keep up playing concentrated like I did today, it won't take too long, perhaps a few weeks - less if I'm lucky. Going work helps me think of other things as well so it's easier to stay focused when playing.

Tomorrow will mostly be livegames, so I doubt I'll play any online, and probably won't make an update either. I'll write up a description of an idea, I'll be building when I have sparetime at work or so. Mainly to kill time, but it might be a nice system to have even for bigger crowds to use. But more of that at Pathological Case, later today - or maybe early tomorrow.


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