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Thriving for NL1000 by the End of 2007

Thursday, December 28, 2006


TY! It took me three tries - now I feel I'm relatively well established in 100nl. I am currently doing some bonuses at party and I feel I'm getting the hand of it - I've still made some hasty decisions, been cold decked a few times - of which most bitter was this one: HOLLA! I probably wouldn't even go broke here against an average opponent but this guy was 40/x/x ninja who bought in for $20 (at least that what he/she said). Anyhow, I doubled off him earlier like this: For King and country! So I didn't respect him much after that. Well - it's fun to get the one card in the deck that can break me! :D

Anyhow, that rocketed me from +1.5bi to -0.5bi or so. After that, the next 100 hands or so I was on a heater! And quit while being +3bi. I did make one supposedly bad laydown against the same fish later because I was afraid of a guy behind me in this one.

To get back to the bonii, basically I've now gotten $500 worth of bonuses ($100 initial signup and a bunch of reloads), I have $400 in pending bonuses for Party and $150 for Stars and my roll broke the magical limit of $3k (I moved at 2.5k). Sooo, things are looking up and I think my goal for the year is now done! I shall now change the purpose of this blawg in the initial title as well.

It's been sweet thus far and to actually make the transition upwards tastes better than life itself. So now, cheers! And happy holidays! Happy new year! Wuhuu!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Remember, Remember...

The 18th of December, the 2 outer treason and plot. I know of no reason, why the 2 outer treason should ever be forgot.

Well, I might be paranoid, but it's cursed, I'm telling ya! And yea, I thought 2.3k is enough. I was wrong - I'm only down $600 for it for today, but I sincerely decided to skip that bloody level all together and grind 50nl until the world comes to and end. I've been fairly consistent with it lately and I believe I can keep that shit up, so I will build a huuuuuuuuuuuuge roll. With current pace, I could probably average around $2k / month playing 50nl and that's better than nothing.

Heh, I guess I have only myself to blame since I tricked my mind into thinking I am playing 'til $3k and moved there earlier. A well, it was fun. I'm still at $1.6k though so it's not like the blow I took today is huge - I can still go way beyond $2k this month and not even break a sweat. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Tomorrow I will go see the guru who pulls of 10 buy-ins a day at higher limits. Hopefully his guidance and some beer will make me see the error of my ways more clearly.

Why... God... Why...?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Against the wind!

"I said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it
to the bang bang boogie, say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat"
-Sugarhill Gang - Rappers Delight

Boyaya. Alrighty so since my last dive in the 100nl games, I've bounced back and triumphed. I've recovered almost all of the that was done to my bankroll by the series of unfortunate events. I've 'dug holes' and 'brushed roasts' and in the end, most of my sessions have been positive! Of course with the exception of today (That almost always inspires me to write). I played pretty well throughout, but I have no doubt in my mind that without doing a couple of big mistakes I couldn't have came out on top of this session too. It affected my global winrate a bit too, since for the last 11k hands I've been doin' around 7-8 PTBB/100. Today I played 2k hands and ended down around a buy-in. Flopped top two against a set twice for stacks, got 2-4 outed so many times - but I did make some hands too and managed to get paid off.

The real problem was the few hands I overplayed. I managed to go broke against AT in a reraised pot on J87-9 board with Kings, went broke for $30 with AQ to QTx board against QT etc. Besides a few slips, I played pretty solid overall, but towards the end I started playing weaker and decided it was time to quit. Anyway, over last 13k hands, I've shown a profit of $700 and my roll is hovarin' a bit below $2k (only reason why it ain't above is that somewhere along the way I did some short-stacking at 100nl and my relationship with the limit is known to everyone anyway). I intend to pull at least another $600 before moving up again I guess. One plan was to get to $2k with Stars roll, having $600 stored, waiting for that Stars christmas bonus (THERE HAS TO BE ONE! IT'S CHRISTMAS FFS!).

Oh and here's a bright moment of mine.

Things are looking good and I'm feeling confident about my game. And of course thanks to my little sister who made the awesome art in the beginning of the post!

Nothing more at this time, cheers!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Penny Stakes Salvation!

The Zeebo Ultimatum! Muhahahaha!

I actually played the most hands for single day ever. I slept badly and felt like playing some 25nl because it seems like something comatozed monkey could beat. So I start off by symphathetic -6bi. Unlike usually, I 8-tabled today and I played 5120 hands. Holla!

Well I came back from the minus. I did some sloppy plays in the beginning, but towards the end, I got into a solid upswingy motion as my coma kept getting deeper. I ended the session at +$4.2! Yay! Not too great, but at least I got positive and played a lotsa lotsa hands. I didn't pay enough attention to my game today, but tomorrow (unless I skip playing), I will try to concentrate on making the modifications that have been holding me back.

Besides some positional game adjustments, I also seem to overplay one pair hands - these are generally TPTK types of hands etc. I guess it'll all come to me in time as long as I remember to keep concentrating and trying to improve my game - whether I'm running good or bad.

So tomorrow, it's back to the 50nl 4-tabling. Ahh, sweet times.