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Thriving for NL1000 by the End of 2007

Thursday, September 28, 2006

October Goals!

Okidoki! Time is drawing near! I'm hyped up, excited and feeling better than ever about my game! The only poker I've been playing lately have been some small live sessions and tournament in which I was second last sunday. But I've kept myself away from the cashgames.

So now, the time is near! And I will have one month of work free and virtually school free pokertime in my hands! What goals to set?! This will be the grinder's month! My goal will be to average 2000 hands a day for the month, win or lose. That would produce around 60k hands over the course of the month. Although my head is too stubborn to not calculate the EV for that in big bets, I try not to obsess about it. Experience is certain to follow from this and experience is what improves you! I haven't had a real stake grinding session in quite a while. For the moment, I will be playing on Stars for the bonus - there's a slight possibility that I will change to PartyPoker somewhere in the progress, but I'm not sure of that yet.

After this one poker-month, I will re-evaluate my chances of getting to my goal - whatever it is. My original goal was NL400, but I think I'll be fine if I can make it to NL100-NL200 too so! But I also know it's still possible to make to my original goal as well although it doesn't look. Either way, I'll just play my game and let the results come or go as they will.

Tomorrow is my last day at work, followed by sauna and beer in the courtesy of Nokia OYJ. Gaming will probably start on Sunday for obvious reasons!


ps. Also, I will post my October results here, no matter what they are so there will be a screenshot from PT fo sho. I just love screenshots. Personally I wish it will have a lot of green numbers.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Reaaaaal soon....

I've been on a break for quite a while now, goin' through the flaws in my game, improving. I've found a lot of leaks I wish to get rid of once I start playing again. That should be this weekend, saturday or sunday, not yet certain. Either way, I will start with some NL25 and move my way up. My work for this year will be over and it'll be just school. But there's one month interval when I only have one course! Woo! That means I'm planning on powergrinding my way up to NL100. I feel I've improved so much - I've had the feeling before and often, although true, I have managed to develop new flaws. This time, I know what to look for if I start doing worse.

A few things I've found in my game so far:

Went to Showdown/Won @ Showdown
My Went to Showdown is too big by a few percents. Correspondantly my Won @ Showdown is a bit lower than it's ought to be. While this doesn't mean I can't win (Having less than 50% in the latter), it means that I have something to work on. The hand ranges I've been slightly overplaying include pairs with one overcard on board and marginal top pairs on some occasions.

Value-betting gone bad
After reading Sklansky's book, I've noticed that my overall betting, especially on the river, has become bigger. While big betting has merits, I think I have overdone it, often overbetting the river for value. I've too often disregarded the fact that my opponent still needs to have pretty good hand to make the call there. In some occasions it can be good (like if pot is quite small so the overbet won't be too big either) or if my opponent has good second best hand. But I think I've lost a lot of value on weaker top pair hands.

Tune up aggression on later streets a bit
My flop aggression is pretty good at the moment, but turn and river aggression, especially with value needs to be slightly tuned up.

Preflop raising
My preflop raising range has decreased slightly from my golden ages and it could be tuned up a bit. I'd assume this is mostly in the situation when I'm in late pos and there are limpers since I've been limping behind more than I should. Even though this might not be a major leak, I might be missing value.

A friend of mine recommended me to try to BLdSWtTRs type style, which essentially means something like 22/20, which is raise/fold preflop in practice. I might give it a shot at some point, but my priority is to build up during these times of peace and no pressure. School will start again at some point and then I will have other stuff to stress about too.

There are also a lot of smaller details I've learned, but I won't go into that, mostly about playing certain types of hands in certain situations. Anyway, this month will end mildly negative unless my Sat-Sun sessions manage to do it back (in fact they should get me to at least breakeven). I'm now back at Stars again, I managed to scratch up ma boom boom dolar and deposit for bonus there. I dunno when I'll return to claim the rest ($90+RB) from Poker Heaven, but to be honest, the site just sucked hardcore. I might redeposit some time and go play full ring $1/$2 fixed to get the rake generated quickly (The full ring tables had something like 35% to see the flop on the avg so those are quite juicy for full ring games as opposed to what they used to be on Stars on that level - it was a nitville.)

As far as my trying out NL full ring goes, I'm not goin' back there! It sucks. The only reason I might do it would be to rathole myself into riches and that wouldn't be too nice now would it. That's about it for now.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Brief is the Light

Alrighty, so as promised, here's some stuff about my recent realizations. I make it quick post as I don't feel like writing too much right now. A friend of mine recently said something in his blog about his progress along the lines of "My skills have been developing in big leaps, but I'm not sure if the things I learn are the ones I need to beat the low stakes." I think that's pretty well put. CardRunners videos, and reading HSNL forums does develop the understanding of the game and it's all coming together, making sense. However, lots of the stuff is too fancy for this normal calling stationy micro-grinding.

So I was having this conversation with a pretty good finnish player, who -I think- concentrated the whole essence of Small Stakes poker into one sentence:
"People at SSNL make a lot more bad calls than bad bets."

It's really that simple. I think this could be one of those "intuitively clear" facts, but hearing it out loud made it think of my game by a lot. The fact that guy's an idiot doesn't mean that he doesn't have a hand when he bets, but he often calls with hopeless hands. So basically their what if-calling range is bigger than their betting range.


Knowing that and having my hopes and confidence up again, I step in the tables again. It was a slow money drainage - I'm not quite sure why, but I think it was variantific. I also made a couple of questionable calls. Gimmey them comments on these:

TPTK on gay board. I figured that the turn check induced a bet on the river. But after talking to a friend, he convinced me that I could probably fold it. I don't beat a lot in the end games. I only beat hands he probably would've bet the flop with.

Overpair on tripsing board. Okay, I think reraising pf might've been the correct line here. Turn and river were ghayish. I tried to control the potsize by betting the turn, planning on folding to a raise since that's semi-obvious bigger overpair. I really don't know whether I should fold the river here. The opponent here had been a pain in my ass the whole session (and for the matter another session too). He cold called my raises from position and played fairly well postflop (compared to the average field). Anyway, I dunno, maybe river is C/C or C/F.


Alrighty so that's it for this post, I had a few other ideas too, but I guess my biggest "revelation" or "re-learning experience" was the bet/call-range thing. Today, I'll go to play some O8 or FR Hold'em, depending on how many tables are up. $90 more of the bonus to clear and if I manage to break even, I'll end up positive of the promotion and it's really all I can ask now. The client just kills me and I think being frustrated and playing with a sucky client isn't a +EV combination - especially for me. Fun thing is that the hand histories are all stored in one file. So they blend in and you can't really make out one session of it, it's all just a big blur! Yay, well done Boss Media, well done.

A well. Cheers!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Moving to nitville!

Full of confidence with new revelations that appeared to me on my "vacation", I went into the tables, feeling very confident. But variance hit me in the face, right off the bat. A well, I went down a couple of buy-ins and my spirit was crushed. My roll is ridiculously small on Poker Heaven and I think I might combine everything soon.

However, my current plan is to give fullring a serious try. At least for a while. Just semi-nit it away for the duration of the bonus (Although some days I might play just O8, works great for PAYING OFF HUGE LOADS OF RAKE). Full ring is easier and I can get my roll back on my comfort zone. So that's my plan now.

If I have time tomorrow, I'll write about my recent revelations. I still have 2.5 weeks of work left, after which I have pretty roughly one month with very little school. So I will have one month to work on my game, grind away mucho tables in full ring and hopefully make back the lost dollars. It should really be easy, just visiting the nitville and grinding it away like the old times. And since I have one month for it, I will have time to play more than 1k hands a day which was my old plan. This way I can do some catching up with my "schedule". I don't think I'll make it to NL400 by december, but I'd be happy just to go to NL100 or NL200 as well.

We'll see how it goes... :D Every time I say this, I drop down like gazillion buy-ins. But O8 is treatin' me relatively nicely and it's a lot easier game so I'll take days off to play that. In fact, if the next site I go to has lot of games, I might try playing that exclusively for a while, since I feel I have pretty good grip of it while other people have absolutely no idea.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

It's a long term game!

Hah bullshit.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Short Omaha Primer

I'm planning on writing a bit more comprehensive one for Omaha Hi/Lo, but I posted this recently in Liquid Poker forums as a response to a post on switching from Hold'em to Omaha. I think these advice should be enough for a fairly competent NL Hold'em player to beat the small stakes Omaha games.

"First off, micro limit omaha isn't as high variance game as you guys say. Sure you can go few buy-ins direction or another and the situations are often 60-40 and such...

But the thing about micro limit Omaha is that players consistently and quickly lose stacks when they're drawing dead. You will see people pushing all the way with AAxx on QJTT9 3 to a suit boards even at PLO$50 (I haven't played higher, but I hear it will get harder around what - PLO400?). This significantly decreases the negative variance since by playing smart, you can control the pot size and you don't have to to push the 51% edges so hard.

Playing short-handed or heads up omaha requires some practice though, so i'd recommend you to play some at full ring game first and when you get the feel for it, move to less player tables. Many of the players in Omaha play it like Hold'em, which allows you to make easy money off them. With the following few tips, you should be able to average something like 10 PTBB/100++:

1. Only draw to the nuts. This is especially important in Omaha, although the emphasis isn't AS strong in heads up play, it's still important concept to realize that in Omaha, Reverse implied odds when drawing to second best hands can be huge and a lot more often than in hold'em, second nut draw is that bad end of it.

2. When you flop the nuts, like straight - have a redraw. If you flop the nutstraight on, say flushdrawy board without a redraw, you can be one of the following:
-Dead to a split in case someone holds the same straight with a redraw
-30-70 underdog against flushdraw & a set
-Slight favourite over set or flushdraw
-Massive favourite against a bad end of a straight (this is probably the rarest, but you commonly see it in the micro stakes)

3. Play hands that supposedly make the nuts. This is where your former Hold'em experience kicks in. You want to play hands preflop that will make nuthands (preferably with redraws) postflop. This means that having a suited ace is a bonus and having wraps (ie. 5678 or A567 w/ fd) are hands you're searching for. Big pairs are also good but MOSTLY FOR SET VALUE. You'll see people go broke with one pair all the time in the low stakes and it just makes you giggle. Hands like AT83rainbow or AK83 rainbow don't make a lot of winning hands so you can go ahead and muck'em right away. Also note that having more than 2 of same suit makes it more disadvantageous for the flushdraw - in some cases it can be good if you have 3 flush cards and a straight on flushdrawy board, but no nut-flush draw. Then you probably take someone's fd outs out. ;)

Also notice that bottom or even mid-set isn't necessarily a powerhouse hand. It's very vulnerable, even against something like fd+two pair or two pair and a straightdraw and in case of playing against higher set - well, you know the thrill. And this occurs a lot more in Omaha than it does in Hold'em. In short-handed play, it's fairly easy to know where you stand and this is what comes with experience - having some hand reading skills from hold'em will definitely help you get started.

4. Raising preflop becomes mostly a position buying move. You're not betting as much value preflop as you can in hold'em and the bet size is limited. Raising up AAxx is just as correct as raising up something like 5678ds. Even on these stakes, people often assume you have AAxx after raising and it's easy to play against that. Also, when someone raises in micros, there's a fair chance he has AAxx and you can play accordingly - they're almost guaranteed to overplay it postflop. So your raising, besides getting the pot bigger, also becomes a move you wish to use to get a better position in the later streets.

It is said that usually reraising AAxx preflop isn't probably a good idea unless you can get 25% of your stack in with the reraise. That way you can push the rest in on flop, to minimize the advantage of your opponent knowing what you probably have. Either way, I do not know if this is true and I personally don't like to make big moves preflop since they're simply unnecessary in Small Stakes Omaha. If you can get AI with reasonable AAxx(ss or ds preferably), go ahead, but you can be as little as 60-40 (or was it even a bit worse) favourite in the worst case scenario.

5. Play position. This is very important in Omaha. You're very very often drawing so it's important that you can use your positional advantage to the maximum. You also play your opponents the more short-handed the games get. There are many nits in those games and unlike hold'em, even against amateurs, you will know where you stand most of the time. You have better control over the pot and can make them big when you have a big hand. Amateurs don't have this skill or luxury OOP so pay attention to this.

The End."

I will write one on Omaha Hi/Lo on the coming days probably - that game is like printing money - seriously.

I hope this helps any of you who wish to start learning a bit Omaha, it should be all the advice you need to beat at least PLO25, PLO50, probably PLO100 and PLO200 as well. This of course somewhat assumes you know something about poker etc. before jumping in.

Good Luck,


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Better games, worse performance

Aight, games were PARTICULARLY good today. All tables were FLOODING with calling stations! Well, I got anally ravaged in the beginning, built it back, got ravaged again. These guys were art - they called pf raises with 47o, then PS c-bets with their flopped gutshots etc.

I did do a bad calldown there though after he hit, but I think it was still -EV for him. As for other stuff, there were this kinda nice hands. He played it like a champ. There were few huge fishes I got to abuse and I noticed that overbetting is very very effective on this site since people will just call you down. I dunno if they think their ace high is good enough for all-in with no pair and no draw. Like this guy here. Also their floatin' was art.

Nice call sir. I called the river because I believed it was fairly reasonable that he'd have a hand like T9 or 9x without the straight - turns out his draw was much better than that! Oh wait! The level of play continued to amaze me. Here's also a great turn call by this champion.

I'm sure you get the idea. But I did donk some, I grant you that. I didn't take them too seriously in a few occasions. I continued to ignore the fact that I wasn't reraised preflop today. A few minraises but those were fairly easy to get rid of postflop. Like one hand I had QQ, I raised, someone from blinds called. Flop came like J42 and he lead for half the pot. I was confused so I only called his bets down and he showed AA. :( I also stacked with one TPTK against one a bit shorter stack (well I didn't stack, but I doubled him and he was like $30 stack) when he did the same with AA.

I hope the games will continue to be this soft, it was just sweet. But I need a lot more patience as the only way to outplay these poker savants is to valuebet them to death and I paid extra attention to that towards the end. After the bonus, I ended down around 2.35 buy-ins. With the rakeback that'll round to 2 buy-ins. With all the RB that's coming, it all rounds to being less than one buy-in down from this whole thing this far. 35% of the bonus is now done and I'm glad that that's the case. If I can keep clearing at this rate, I'll be done somewhere next week - I might even be able to play more on the weekend.

HOWEVER! My plan is to try some PLO8 and PLO tomorrow, maybe with $25 buy-in (big average pots and retarded opponents). That's because I just want to get this stupid thing over with and players in those are lot worse plus the games are more simple in so many ways it's just easier to know where you're at at all times. One thing that also crossed my mind was full ring NL, but with this client, my anus might start bleeding too hard since I'd have to play more than 3 tables and it's a pain in the ass as it is. I hope UB will not disappoint me! I'll be happy if I make at least marginal profit from this whole thing instead of like going broke or something. Heh.

The thing about PLO and PLO8 though is that I think it's a lot harder to have long sessions in those games since it's even more mechanical on the lower stakes than it is higher. You'll get bored, maybe frustrated and on a bad day, you lose even with good game on top of that (Well that's the case for all poker games ofc - least for O8 probably since the players are so horrendous).

So. I will try this tomorrow in PLO8$50 and PLO$25 tables or so and see how it goes. If I get ravaged, I think I might combine my rolls (current roll is underrolled for NL50 even), but I've been using a collective count since I can cashout some sites and combine and I'm still above danger limit for NL50 (although less than 20 buy-ins).

Yup. Son of a god damn bitch, god bless america! Fuck me to god damn tears!



Back for another session. I woke up feeling happy - that's a good sign. Nothing can ruin those days! I remembered to claim a $90 bonus and games ended up over a buy-in over quite short session after which Soldat called and I never started another session. Overall it was pretty gewd session and I have now claimed 25% of the Bonus. I am going to try to play 5%-10% more of that bonus today while making a profit in the games themselves. One thing I've noticed in the Poker Heaven network that you gotta pick your tables, even at NL50. The players aren't particularly stellar, but having turkish people in your table seems to be particularly +EV. A lot of european nits overall. Add the bad client and I don't see why I'd keep on playing there after the bonus is claimed. It'd be nice to end up in the place, currently I'm slightly up - pretty much because yesterday I took two ugly beats in the end of the session. Not saying they were particularly "bad ones", but they were ugly ones.

If I average 5% of the bonus a day, it will take me two weeks to claim it and I'm aiming into a bit shorter time than that. Some day I might play O8 or Omaha sessions since average pots in those are bigger (even at like PLO25) so you pay more rake and get more bonus. Players are also worse so it's not like I'd be cutting on winrate to get the bonus done fast. I will, for now, concentrate on NL Hold'em though. I wanna make it as NL400 player this year so all practice is good. I'm also collecting some notes from various sources, I might publish them here some day. But if it ends up being superpowerful, I won't!! Hahaa! :)

So after yesterday's session I feel good going into today's session. I'll get my PS chipset tomorrow also so I might try to renew my live-game confidence by baptizing the virgin chipset in something like 5+R tournie.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Vitun nugetit

What a cool way to start up a session after like a week's pause of online poker. Also nice way to start a new month. Basically first I sunk down like crazy, goin' down something between 2 and 3 buy-ins. One of them in my own sillyness as I posted blind OOT with TT and raised it up. I got reraised and made the stupid assumption that he was stealing so I 3-bet. I couldn't convince him to lay down AA so that was complitely my own fault.

Either way, I grinded it all back and was around +$10. Now ain't that cute. This is generally the time to quit as bad things are to come if I continue. And continue I did.

First a minor setback from this genius who's draws obviously hit, the worst hand he could've had here was top two and I think he boated turn up. Otherwise the river push doesn't make much sense. He just figured I was on FD and wanted to maximize his expectation - to be fair, it would've been hard to call even with a flush there. So thanks to him for letting me out easy.

Well that wasn't so bad, just a minor setback...

LO AND BEHOLD!! Yeah, it always has to end like this. Judging from how the hand went, I guess AA was a reasonable choise of a hand for him to have, but can I assume he has it here? Should I check behind on river? I figured Ax, such as AK is quite likely here as well, maybe he was a guy goin' crazy with KK since it was checked through on flop. The fact that there was two aces on the board instead of one made it even worse... One ace and I might've been able to get away from it rather cheaply.

A well, down around 2 buy-ins from pretty much those hands alone. Poker is fucking sweet. Poker Heaven hasn't been too good to me. Players aren't too good, but they're all fucking cardracks and it makes it hard to manage against them "YEA LET'S CALL WITH UNDERCARDS NO PAIR NO DRAW AND MAKE RUNNERUNNER QUADS". And they do.

A well, I guess it's just normal variance. The bad thing also is, there aren't many NL25 tables on PokerHeaven. I might go to those for a while to cool off and rebuild. My roll at the site isn't quite adequate (AT LEAST ANY FUcKInG MORE) to NL50, I might wanna combine them. 20% of the bonus is now done and it seems to be coming along rather steadily as my roll stays quite stable - overall, I'm down around $40 since the deposit, so there's no reason to panic yet. I have no idea how many hands I've played since PokerTracker doesn't yet support Boss Media hand histories.

On the bright side, all my friends are running like niggers on fire, but we all know what happens when the fire reaches internal organs. <3

So, I guess that's it for today. Cheers!