Remember, Remember...
The 18th of December, the 2 outer treason and plot. I know of no reason, why the 2 outer treason should ever be forgot.
Well, I might be paranoid, but it's cursed, I'm telling ya! And yea, I thought 2.3k is enough. I was wrong - I'm only down $600 for it for today, but I sincerely decided to skip that bloody level all together and grind 50nl until the world comes to and end. I've been fairly consistent with it lately and I believe I can keep that shit up, so I will build a huuuuuuuuuuuuge roll. With current pace, I could probably average around $2k / month playing 50nl and that's better than nothing.
Heh, I guess I have only myself to blame since I tricked my mind into thinking I am playing 'til $3k and moved there earlier. A well, it was fun. I'm still at $1.6k though so it's not like the blow I took today is huge - I can still go way beyond $2k this month and not even break a sweat. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Tomorrow I will go see the guru who pulls of 10 buy-ins a day at higher limits. Hopefully his guidance and some beer will make me see the error of my ways more clearly.
Why... God... Why...?
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